Wednesday 12 May 2010

Go on Hug a Tree

Ever hug a tree. Ever feel the energy from the tree, from the roots to its tips. Even trees have their own vibration, like everything else around us. One of the long distant attunements that I facilitate is Celtic Reiki which consists of 3 levels. The symbols used in Celtic Reiki are from the Druidic alphabet (Ogham).. basically Celtic Reiki is a version of Usui reiki that uses vibrations of the earth, specific trees and shrubs to create an environment suitable for healing and manifestation. I am privileged to be able to pass the attunements. When I was pregnant I was attuned to Celtic Reiki and felt the need to go out and hug a tree.

I felt at one with the tree. I wasn't completely able to envelop the tree due to my huge stomach but naturally was amazed that my fingers started tingling which meant that my reiki was flowing and it was a sign that the tree required the healing energy. Here is me hugging at tree at 30 weeks pregnant. These are other photos I took in the area around Grainsby in Lincolnshire.

The following photos are taken from my son's school. I was amazed by the light shining through the trees. I took some time to appreciate this pleasure. It felt glorious having the sun shine upon me.

So, don't forget our Tree Kingdom, very old souls, giants of the Earth that have withstood all things imagineable, standing tall with full of wisdom. We could learn something from trees, Tracy Kelly

Next photo taken in Horncastle, Lincolnshire during Autumn

I leave you with a quote:

And see the peaceful trees extend

their myriad leaves in leisured dance

they bear the weight of sky and cloud

upon the fountain of their veins.

- Kathleen Raine, Envoi


  1. I'm so glad you've decided to do this blog Tracy! Your photography is lovely and it is so nice to see all of this creativity from you.

    By the way, that fifth photo is so clear and crisp that I instinctively shaded my eyes from the sun when I opened it!

  2. Gorgeous post..the Trees are magnificent..and they are such amazing spirits full of empowered energies! Fantastic post! You photos are gorgeous...wonderful read!

  3. Thank you both. I think when you are inspired, one can create such beauty and I feel it flows through me into my photography and writing.

  4. Hi again Tracy-Kelly...beautifully said..and you are very creative and it shines through powerfully!!
    Also I wanted to pop by..Thankyou too for your super lovely comment and adding magic to my day!

  5. Pleasure Kiki. You are such an inspiring artist with wonderful words of wisdom. Your photos are the best I've seen in a long time.


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