Friday 23 April 2010

Photo Collage

Being a lover of all genres in photography, I am usually inspired by others work, so I saw the blog of a photographer that had encompassed nature, crystals, objects and flowers as photo collages. I thought I would give it a go and collected all my trinkets around the house. Being in the reiki business, I have a lot of angels, fairy's, crystals, wands and everything of that nature around me so I got them all together to compose a collage. It took almost half of my day. This is what I have come up with but upon thought have decided that this is not the way for me, this type of work needs dedication, time and patience and although I may have the drive and the characteristics, I just don't have the time.... and will leave it to those capable.

Love ♥ Blessings


  1. They look awesome Trace :) Definately worth it!

  2. Super gorgeous photos..lovely spirit to them all! Wonderful to meet you..Have a magical day!

  3. Your blog is looking fabulous Tracy!! So glad to see you here at Blogspot. This is a stunning photo collage and I love both your photography and your subject matter. Lovely....

  4. Thank you Kiki, Mandy and Tal... been a busy week so no time for my photography. I have itchy fingers... so until later there will be a post very soon capturing my love of trees and Celtic Reiki x


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